Caramelised Beetroot Tart Tatin with Cornish Blue and wild rocket

Caramelised Beetroot Tart Tatin with Cornish Blue and wild rocket

 You will need: 3 medium beetroot, 40g butter, 1 pack ready-made puff pastry, 200g blue cheese, large handful wild rocket, 1 tbsp honey, 75g caster sugar, sea salt, black pepper, splash sherry or red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar
Also an ovenproof frying pan

It will take: 1 hour

Wash the beetroot and trim the tops. Put the beetroot in a pan with water, bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes until the skins come away easily when rubbed. Remove the skins and trim the top and the root. Cut in to thick even slices.
Put 75g of caster sugar in to a heavy based ovenproof frying pan. Put on a medium high heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add a large pinch of sea salt, 40g butter, and a splash of sherry or red wine vinegar. Stir the caramel until it turns a rich golden brown colour and add a tablespoon of honey. Remove from the heat and arrange the beetroot on top of the caramel in a spiral pattern and season with salt and pepper.
Roll out the puff pastry until it is large enough to cover the beetroot. Place it over the beetroot in the frying pan and tuck in the edges the whole way round. Put the whole pan in the oven for 30 minutes until the pastry is golden and puffed up.
When cooked remove from the oven. Place a plate over the pan and flip over so the tart tatin ends up the right way up on the plate. Leave the frying pan over the plate for a minute so the caramel runs down on to the tart tatin.
Crumble over the blue cheese, cut in to wedges and serve with the rocket drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

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